Sunday, October 10, 2010

Being Grateful

*yes.. we are aware the word grateful is here 1 zillion times. We like life that way*

It's Thanksgiving weekend. I have no problem recalling all I am grateful for. There is so much.

I give thanks every day for the blessed life I have. EVERY day, I remind myself how blessed I am to have MY life.

I'm grateful to be alive. I'm grateful that I have free will. I'm grateful to live in a country where I'm able to use my free will and make my own choices, whatever they may be. With these things, I'm good to go. Thank you.

I'm grateful for everyone I've crossed paths with, they contributed to who I am today. Thank you.

I'm grateful for every mistake I've ever made, each experience helped me learn right/wrong, good/bad, also helping me be who I am today. Thank you.

I'm grateful for the copious amounts of SHIT other people brought to my life, somehow it was meant to make me grow, and often it did. Thank you.

I'm grateful for the challenges, all the things in life that made me buck up and face new things, they all helped me be stronger and stretch boundaries. Thank you.

I'm particularly grateful for the challenge of Autism. My son has brought intense joy, astronomical growth and richer, deeper love in so many of us. Thank you.

I'm grateful that I have a curious mind, and I'm able to access information and resources in many ways in my free country. I'm able to learn anything I wish, as much as I wish. Thank you.

I'm grateful for all of that big stuff, growing/learning stuff, and I'm so grateful for the daily joys, laughs, hugs and experiences I have on a day to day basis in this awesome world. Thank you.

I'm grateful for the people I can talk to. The people who make me laugh. My son! My Mom! My family. My girls. And all people in my family and circles that I've cultivated strong awesome relationships with. I'm grateful for all the people who inspire me, the people who teach me, The people who fight for the planet and the people who pioneer and light the way for positive growth! Thank you all.

I'm grateful for Gardening, soil, seeds, Vegetables, Fruit, Ethical/Sustainable food of all kinds,and BEING ABLE TO ACCESS THEM! Cooking, and the ability to learn to cook all the wonderful bounty I bring home!! MMMMMMM. Thank you.

I'm grateful that I live free in Canada, in Beautiful BC's most amazing city - Vancouver! I'm so grateful I can spend most of my days with my amazing son, travelling our city, learning, seeing, wondering together. Thank you.

I'm grateful for the Internet and Social Media. It's made it possible for us to connnect and share and learn and communicate like never before! Thank you.

I'm grateful that I've begun writing again and that a few people choose to read it. Thank you.

I'm grateful for the laws of karma and doing good! I'm grateful I deserved to, and managed to, bring a business home and work here and support my family for 10 years! Thank you.

I'm grateful for Music! Dark chocolate, Wii, Brett Dennen, Anne Rice, Al Gore, GreenPeace, Marc Emery,My TrackBall Mouse, Gluten Free Phil, Black Forest Bacon, Cast Iron,Heritage Meats, Cathedral World, Aquarium, Protesting, Vinegar & baking soda, digital cameras, Goats, Bokashi Bucket, Computers, Water Filters, Fridge, washer & dryer, public transit, organic food at Costco, My juicer, internet TV, Micheal Moore, chlorine free recycled kleenex,Bamboo utensils, Terracycle, Independent organic farmers, Dark (ethical) coffee with stevia and Almond breeze in the morning, my thesaurus, Scrabble, Sequence, Sun Yun Set Gardens, Lantern Festivals, Inukshuks, Waterfalls, Sunny Days, 4:20, Alaskan King Crab, Farmville (YES Farmville!)Value Village, Oprah, Survivor, Democracy, Playland, Dancing in the Kitchen.. and lots, lots more. Thank you.

Today I woke up thankful to be in the middle of a long weekend. My son, who is the best son in the universe.. is with his father for this long weekend, and I'm grateful to know they will have fun. I won't miss him "too much".

I'm grateful I'm able to have some free time. I'm very aware there are many who do not have a minute to themselves. I played on FB, I sang and danced with Brett Dennen and I prepped in the kitchen. I'm so very grateful that I'm able to have hours to do that. Later, I walked to Deer Lake, a large city lake, 5 min away. I am so thankful, I can go there whenver I want, and that today I did choose to go over by myself. I was able to take my time and sit on whatever bench I wanted, stop and take pictures of anything I wanted, for as long as I wanted.

It is so easy to be grateful when your sitting in a park. It is so easy to find beauty in the world, we just have to look for it. "Look,there it is."

The more I am grateful, the more I find to be grateful for. I am blessed. And If I choose to look at it that way, that's how it is and will be.

There is stuff in life that isn't always pretty/great/fun. I live through days that suck, we all do. We all have shit filled days sometimes, but they are just moments, and they pass. Especially if we are grateful, each day for each thing.

Try it. Be grateful more than one weekend a year, and see what happens.

Thank you.


  1. Whew.. I have a lot to be grateful for.. good thing I don't have to personally thank every thing. I can just say
    " thank you Universe!"

  2. I think you are beginning to sound like one of my very favortie journalist that I've been so grateful for (keeping me sane) all these years...Andy Rooney.
    Wonderful Leah, simply wonderful. I could feel your life and your joy.

  3. I'm grateful for *you*!

    And my favorite part of this entire entry is, "Farmville (YES Farmville!)"

    Made me smile a little smile. You're just lovely.
